How to Get Rid of Yellow Teeth - Home Remedies

A beautiful smile can boost confidence when it's full of clean, white teeth. However, it can be embarrassing to have yellow teeth due to coffee stains, smoking, or poor oral hygiene. For people who have yellow teeth and are thinking about teeth whitening options, there are many home remedies to try.

People have found they can whiten teeth naturally with simple home remedies including hydrogen peroxide, oil pulling, whitening toothpaste, and strips. While professional stain removal is the most effective solution, these home remedies can help reduce yellow stains and allow your natural beauty to shine through.

Hydrogen Peroxide for Yellow Stains

Hydrogen peroxide is a staple in most homes. Typical preparations are diluted to 3% and are a good option for whitening teeth. While a dental professional can issue teeth-whitening products with much higher concentrations, hydrogen peroxide diluted to 3% can provide some teeth-whitening power as well.

Hydrogen Peroxide Rinse to Whiten Teeth

Make a peroxide rinse using a half-and-half mixture of water and peroxide. Next, swish the liquid around the mouth for about 30 seconds, then spit it out. Do not swallow the liquid. To avoid causing any damage to the tooth enamel, follow these tips:

  1. Stick to 3% dilutions.

  2. Do not leave the solution in your mouth for more than one minute.

  3. Do not apply to the teeth more than once a day.

Teeth Whitening Toothpaste & Other Over-the-Counter Options

Extrinsic stain removal is the removal of tooth stains that are on the outer part of the tooth enamel. There are several over-the-counter products to assist in whitening teeth.

Tooth-Whitening Toothpaste

Tooth-whitening toothpaste is a great option for those who have healthy teeth but want to get rid of yellow stains. These toothpastes usually contain a mild abrasive such as hydrated silica, that works to remove surface stains. The outer enamel wears away with too high a level of abrasives. Look for toothpastes with the American Dental Association Seal of Approval which helps ensure the tooth enamel will not be damaged.

Some natural whitening toothpastes contain activated charcoal. Activated charcoal is highly absorbent. This quality allows it to trap and remove surface stains. Activated charcoal toothpastes are often free from harsh chemicals, making them a more natural whitening home remedy.

Teeth-Whitening Gel and Strips

Reduce teeth stains using gel and strips for easy at-home bleaching. Gels and strips usually contain H202 (hydrogen peroxide) or carbamide hydroxide as the active ingredient. Gels are brushed on the yellow teeth or placed in custom-fitted trays. The gel then sits on the teeth for a specified amount of time.

Strips on the other hand are thin flexible pieces of plastic that are coated with a similar gel. The strips are placed on the teeth gently and left in place for 30 minutes to an hour, once or twice a day for one or two weeks.

Gels get better overall coverage because the custom trays allow the gel to permeate all areas including hard-to-reach spots. That’s one of the reasons we use gels in our professional teeth-whitening trays.

For some people with major tooth discoloration or very sensitive teeth, a dental professional may offer other solutions such as porcelain veneers.

People sometimes deal with tooth decay caused by tobacco products (like chewing tobacco), age, poor oral hygiene, or plaque buildup. If tooth decay has caused missing teeth or other major damage, dental implants may be a great option. There are several different dental options for bad teeth, so be sure to reach out to us at Salin Dentistry, in Bakersfield, CA, to schedule a no-obligation consultation and explore your options.

Crunchy Fruits and Veggies

Crisp fruits and vegetables can help you get rid of yellow teeth while you eat. These crunchy foods, such as apples, carrots, or celery, act as natural toothbrushes that can whiten yellow teeth by scraping plaque, food pieces, and surface stains away for a brighter and more beautiful smile.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a natural cleaning product used for thousands of years. It contains acetic acid which helps to kill bacteria that may lead to teeth discoloration. Dilute with water and use as a mouthwash for removing yellow stains. Like other acidic fare, excessive use can damage your tooth enamel.

Avoid Overuse of Acidic Foods

Acidic food can have a negative effect on the teeth's brightness. There are several foods that can stain or damage the enamel of teeth including:

  1. Red wine

  2. Coffee

  3. Tea

  4. Dark berries

  5. Tomatoes and tomato-based products

There are some additional acidic foods that can be used as stain removers. However, they must be used in moderation as they can damage the enamel if overused. Citrus fruit peels, such as orange peels, or lemon peels are simple teeth whitening home remedies. 

Start by rubbing an orange peel on your teeth for two minutes. Then rinse the mouth thoroughly. Rubbing lemon peels or other citrus peel on the teeth allows the citric acid from the peel to come into contact with the enamel and help remove tea stains or other surface stains.

Good Oral Hygiene

If someone is not sure where to begin when considering how to get rid of yellow teeth, start with keeping your teeth healthy! Brushing or rinsing immediately after ingesting staining foods helps to remove plaque, remove food particles, and ward off tooth decay. It also helps to remove the foods or acids that could stain teeth before they cause any surface or deep stains to the tooth enamel. 

Here are some tips for keeping your teeth clean:

  1. Brush your teeth twice a day for at least two minutes each time.

  2. Use a soft or extra soft-bristled toothbrush.

  3. Focus on the areas where the teeth and gums meet.

  4. Floss at least once a day. Regular floss works better than floss sticks.

  5. Brush the tongue and roof of the mouth.

  6. Visit dentists regularly for cleanings.

  7. Avoid sugary, acidic drinks.

  8. Avoid tobacco products.

  9. Keep your enamel healthy by eating a balanced diet rich in minerals like calcium and phosphorus.

A Bright Healthy Smile

Putting these store-bought and natural remedies into practice can bring a brighter and healthier smile. Having good oral hygiene, avoiding the overuse of acidic foods, implementing hydrogen peroxide, brushing with baking soda paste, and using teeth whitening strips and gels can help make yellow teeth a thing of the past. 

So whether you are wanting to gain confidence, a healthier mouth, or a whiter smile, try these simple, yet effective home teeth whitening remedies. You’ve got this!


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